Get Your Dental Health Checked by Experienced Professionals


Dental and oral health plays a crucial part in people’s overall health and well-being. It is important get check ups to prevent symptoms of dental and oral problems. Fortunately, ST Tiew Dental Group provides 37 plus years of practice experience services to 51 locations nationwide.

4 Numbers to Persuade You

Through thick and thin, ST Tiew Dental Group has stood strong and united for the past 37 years, continuing to provide you with dental health services from 51 locations nationwide. They have 85 professional dentist in Kuala Lumpur (KL), Klang Valley, Johor (JB), Penang,and more. Having served more than 1500 million patients, get your dental health checked by them today!

Dental Treatments at Affordable Prices

Interested? Have a look at all the dental treatment services provided by ST Tiew Dental Group, they offer affordable prices! Have a look below at all the services provided.

Braces (Orthodontic Treatment) Kids Dentistry Invisalign Braces Cosmetic Dentistry
Teeth Whitening Treatment MyOFunctional Therapy Dental Implants Amalgam Removal Service
Resin Infiltration for Fluorosis Laser Snoring Therapy Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Jaw Joint Disorder
Laser Dentistry Edelweiss Veneer Restorative Dentistry Endodontic Treatment
Periodontic Treatment Preventive Dentistry General Dentistry

Patients have provided positive testimonials, and they want you to receive the best dental health treatment possible. Let’s have a look at some of its dental services.

Teeth Whitening Treatment

If your looking specifically for teeth whitening treatment in Malaysia, they can have that done for you with an appointment at one of their branches. No matter if you’re looking for teeth whitening in JB, KL, or Penang, they will give you the nearest location that can get your teeth in bright white condition!

What is Teeth Whitening?

Some stains on your teeth cannot be removed through brushing with toothpaste; that is when it is suitable for you to get tooth whitening treatment.

Teeth Whitening Treatment is the process where:

  1. You get a rubber dam placed over your teeth to protect the gums.
  2. A bleaching product is painted onto your teeth.
  3. A light or laser would then be shined on your teeth to activate the chemical.

The light speeds up the reaction of the whitening product, ensuring the color change can be achieved in a quick manner. Don’t worry if you do not understand the procedures; their specialists will inform you throughout all the procedures of the treatment.

Two Types of Tooth Whitening Treatments

The two types of tooth whitening treatments are in office and home whitening. Details are as shown below:

In Office Whitening

Performed by dentists in the clinic, you will be able to observe instant results once all procedures have been completed. This requires professional handling to avoid harm to your surrounding tissues. It is important to get this service from professionals who have had years of experience.

Home Whitening

You are provided with a home whitening kit that is safe to apply at your own convenience. Whitening results may not appear immediately, but the process is simple, and you may repeat the treatment several times to get your desired results.

Do note that you could face teeth sensitivity post procedure, but it is a temporary sign and desensitizing toothpaste will help. For more information and understanding, visit ST Tiew Dental Group’s website to learn more!

Edelweiss Veneer Treatment

Looking for Edelweiss veneers treatment? ST Tiew Dental Group has you covered. Edelweiss veneers are available in various sizes to allow minimal grinding of teeth with just one appointment.

Click here to get veneer prices in Malaysia, and do contact a dentist in KL for a proper consultation with the dentist to get your dental services.

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